Friday, July 31, 2009

The Path to Darkness - a new Pierre Rehov documentary

"The intellectuals - professors and students - are the only ones who advocate destroying the west under the pretext that freedom is but an illusion (Karl Popper)


"The Path to Darkness" is now in Post Production.

Billions have been invested by Saoudi Arabia in US universities in the last years. At the same time, our western values have been erroded by moral relativism. This leads an entire generation to believe in new mythologies such as: a genocide is perpetrated against Palestinians, Suicide Killers are kamikazes, or freedom fighters, Cho, Eric and Dylan, the murderers of Virginia Tech and Columbine are a typical product of our repressive society, the US army is an occupation force in Iraq, and many other relativist revisions of history, leading to the path to darkness.

Pierre Rehov’s latest film “The Path To Darkness” is currently in post-production. This endeavor has led him to investigate those mythologies, and takes us to Japan, to meet with WW2 former kamikazes, to Iraq, where he was embedded in the US Army’s 4th Cavalry, into Gaza and the West Bank. And for the first time, he documents the step by step religious brain washing of a candidate to suicide-terrorism, including the rituals preceding his criminal act, and much more. Pierre also has a close encounters with families of suicide killers, and local Imams.

Following the acclaimed "Suicide Killers", “The Path to Darkness” will take us for a journey deeper into the mind of terrorists, while debuquing the dangerous mythologies propaged among our new generations.

Go to Pierre Rehov's website

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